Our Services
We intend to aid you in your personal evolution while offering both spiritual and practical advice. We can not make decisions for you, but we can make the process of dealing with change less confusing by offering intuitive insights that will aid in both guiding you through your journey, managing anxiety and creating positive solutions to your problems.
A general description of services offered are below, feel free to call us for more information or to book an appointment at 905.990.0472.
Natal (Birth) Chart Reading
3 hours – $300
Available in-person or online
Aren't you curious to know what makes you "you"? Do you have a sense of the amazing person you could become and want to know how to become that person? Having your birth chart read can help you understand the predominant gifts and challenges that you will encounter in this life, your elemental make-up, the archetypes you work with and your ability to interact with others, yourself and the world. Based on the teachings of Sumerian and Greek Astrology, this session will help uncover aspects of your true nature and how to grow and succeed on your personal path. Your session comes with a summary and is recorded for you to have so that you can always go back and journey into the wisdom and teachings of your chart.
In this 3-hour session, here are a few of the gems you'll receive:
- Discover all the hidden skills and talents you have that will help you fulfill your purpose!
- Get ahead of the traps your negative ego sets that keep you in negativity!
- Know the areas of your life where fortune is present!
- Reveal the Archetypes of power in your life and how they influence your true nature!
- Empower your relationships by mastering your emotional and passionate aspects!
For the best possible reading, please provide Aleksandra with your:
- Date of birth
- Birth time
- Birth location
Emotional Cord Cutting
1 hour – $150

The Life Activation
1.5 hours – $250
Your spiritual DNA contains the keys to who you truly are. All of your gifts, intuitive abilities and even your life purpose reside dormant in the spiritual DNA awaiting activation. This amazing tool of empowerment will bring greater light to your aura and energy bodies, re-awaken your connection to the creational powers that are the elements, magnetic and etheric energies.
In this 1 hour session, you will receive amazing benefits:
- Stronger connection and clarity of the intuition
- Renewed strength, passion and connection to your life purpose
- Clearing of genetic karma that results in diseases and negative traits passed down through generations
- Greater ability to connect to universal energies to manifest
- Awakening of dormant gifts that you need to fulfill your purpose here on Earth
This session is concluded with a reading of the information located in the DNA giving you direct personal guidance on your growth and progression upon your spiritual path.This session includes a 1 month set of Purificato and Crystalis, vibrational tinctures that clear out all toxins and negativity that prevent the spiritual DNA from expressing your gifts.
Full Spirit Activation
1.5 hours – $250
Pre-requisite: Life Activation
As a follow-up to the Life Activation, the Full Spirit Activation enhances the connection between the soul, the physical body and the brain - awakening the power of the Chakras and the Tree of Life to restore higher mental and emotional function.
This enhanced connection between the soul, brain and the physical body will:
- Heighten your physical and psychic senses
- Assist you in recognizing and staying true to your own path
- Develop deeper love and appreciation for the self
- Boosts your connection to the divine
- Fight apathy and restore gratitude for all the good things in life
This session offers greater clarity, stronger intuition, and increased light, vitality, and beauty - Are you ready to welcome these in your life?
Purpose of Life Reading
1.5 hours – $250
Pre-requisite: Life Activation
As the Life Activation awakens the gifts residing in the DNA, the Purpose of Life Reading provides insight into the gifts, contracts, and purpose that are awaiting expression in the DNA. Uncover your strengths, talents, life and relationship contracts. Discover the magic and lessons that have been handed down through your family lineage and much more!
Shamanic Aura Clearing
1 hour – $150
If you've been stressed lately or noticed your thoughts have taken a negative turn, it's time for a Shamanic Aura Clearing! This session provides a gentle yet effective clearing of the aura, using the earthly energies and the Sutra of the Heart. It not only clears the aura of unwanted and negative energies, but it also seals and heals your etheric field to increase protection.
Ra Protection Ritual
1.5 hours – $150
This session works with the power of the Egyptian God of the Sun - Ra. As the supreme God of Egypt and of the light, this session provides a deep cleansing of your energy field, removing stagnant and negative energy while sealing and protecting the aura from outside influences that cause confusion and stress. This powerful ritual provides 6 months of strong protection to soothe your sensitivity and keep lower vibrations at bay.
The power of this session will leave you feeling clean and clear and protect you from the unwanted influences of outside emotional and negative energies. This session is the perfect follow-up to the Life Activation for empaths and those who regularly deal with others' emotions or work in high-stress situations.
Hermetic Rebalancing Modality
1.5 hours – $250
Package discount: 3 sessions for $650
Pre-requisite: Life Activation
Coming from the teachings of the Mystery School's branch of Hermetic Astrology, this rebalancing modality helps to bring you back in balance with the 7 Hermetic Rays which help guide you on your life path.
A blockages build up, your ability to connect to the 7 Hermetic Rays is diminished and this results in a reduced ability to connect to spirit, perceive life from the perspective of truth and your ability to manifest your purpose in this world. In this deeply healing session, Aleks will clear up the blockage that create imbalance and prevent you from connecting to spirit and manifesting your life purpose.
To receive the highest benefits of this session, it is recommended to receive 3 treatments within a 2-week period. Receiving the Hermetic Rebalancing Modality in the 3-session protocol helps to clear away anxiety, negative thoughts and overthinking, and replaces them with confidence, creativity and perceptiveness.
Ertheric Reconstruction
2 hours – $350
Pre-requisite: Life Activation
The etheric body is the energetic blueprint of the physical and holds the key to mental health. Unhealthy thinking patterns, trauma, and substances all cause damage to your auric and etheric structures causing self-defeating mental habits. This damage prevents you from adopting a healthier outlook.
Etheric Reconstruction is a highly-specialized practice that clears and rebuilds the etheric body so that new, healthy mental structures can be built.
Celestial Code Healing
2 hours – $350
Pre-requisite: Life Activation
Have you found yourself encountering the same issues over and over again and nothing seems to work?
Core issues deeply embedded themselves within the Etheric structure, requiring targeted healing practices to remove them. If you're ready to take the sting out those core wounds and ultimately remove them, Celestial Code is the modality for you.
This highly specialized practice is offered by High Priestess Aleksandra for those who are finally ready to release for good.
Fire Soul Infusion
1 hour – $150
Pre-requisite: Life Activation
Working with the power of sacred geometry, this session gently awakens the Kundalini energies, restoring your passion and purpose. If you have struggled with apathy or depression, this session will re-ignite the spark of your spirit, helping you feel vibrant and alive again!
Core Will Infusion
1 hour – $150
Pre-requisite: Life Activation
This session uses the power of sacred geometry to clear the etheric body, revitalizing the mind to clear away negative thoughts, restore clarity and grow your wisdom. If you have been feeling out of tune or disconnected from God and the Universe, this session will regenerate those relationships to boost your intuitive connection to the natural cycles of your world.